The Change of Heart (After Yves Klein), 2006
Photographic print.
I Am Here Somewhere, 2006
Solo-show, Temple Bar Gallery and Studios.
Must Go On, 2014
Rua Red, Dublin.
With; Peter Land, Sonia Shiel, Clodagh Emoe, Anita Delaney, Felicity Clear, Ella de Burca and Nicholas Keogh.
Curated by Cliodhna Shaffery and Ruairí O Cuív.
From objects to the performative Must Go On is an exhibition of moving images, painting and sculptural installations, animations and photography by seven artists who wrestle with ideas of the absurd, the failed and the humorous. Proposing a mix of the tragic-comic the works playfully engage with contemporary anxieties offering a tonic through strategies that include endeavour and failure, illusion, slapstick and the provocative, with objects and actors sometimes engaged in deliberate action to test the potential of art as a critical instrument for the analysis of social, political and cultural issues.
The title, Must Go On, alludes to Samuel Beckett’s novel, The Unnameable. The last line of which seems to offer a note of relief after general despair of the novel- ‘you must go on, I can’t go on, I’ll go on’. In The Unnameable, Beckett never discloses whether the interaction between his protagonist and the other “characters” is, in fact, a dialogue between the various aspects of the protagonist himself. Through a disconnected sort of interior monologue, Beckett frees his narrative from the confines of conventional setting and plot as he explores, among other things, the human will to survive. It is a climb from despair towards hope.
The exhibition is conceived in celebration of five years of Rua Red – South Dublin’s Arts Centre and is intended to provide a gesture to the Centre’s continuing importance to its community, and, at a time in Ireland –still in recession – where what can we do, but, go on.